Jul 30, 2019
Cedric Bertelli is the founder and Director of the Emotional Health
Institute. Cedric is of French origin and has lived in the San
Francisco Bay Area for over ten years.
He began his training in Emotional Resolution in 2009 in France and
has continued this work in the United States since 2011.
Cedric’s expertise is...
Jul 23, 2019
How to live an authentic, unHIDDEN life...
Robert Kandell is an interpersonal communication expert, speaker, podcaster and the author of the bestselling book, unHIDDEN: A Book for Men and Those Confused by Them. He has been described as “part football coach, part loving dad and part slightly crazed drill sergeant”.
Jul 16, 2019
Dayana Mayfield is a professional copywriter who works exclusively with B2B SaaS and tech companies, helping them acquire more customers with on-point messaging and copy that sells. Dayana is also an aspiring novelist working on a book about three female business owner friends living in Boston. She lives with her...
Jul 9, 2019
Kezia Renee is a Transformational Intuitive Coach, Energy Healer
and Reiki Master. Born an intuitive empath, she was raised in a
medical household, but chose to pursue her creative passion and
became an artist, a path she pursued for over three decades.
Over time, her interest in health and wellness, Energy
Jul 2, 2019
Richard L. Haight is a bestselling author, and an instructor of meditation, healing and martial arts. As a young man, he moved to Japan, where he spent 15 years training in the ancient arts. Haight is one of a small handful of foreigners to have earned masters licenses in both martial and therapy traditions in Japan.