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Visionary Souls with Sydney Campos

Aug 27, 2019

Rick Jewers is an Ascension Teacher and Master here on Earth/Gaia at this time to assist with an overall Ascension Process in all ways. He assists from the just Awakening level up to the higher levels of Awakening/ Super Consciousness. He is knowledgeable on all attributes of this Ascension and generally on all...

Aug 20, 2019

Ivy is here to activate people as a pillar of shamelessness, unconditional love, truth and freedom.

She was raised in Washington state, and now lives in Southern California holding space for the transformation of our world as we know it, bringing about heaven on earth. To tell her story of Sexual and thus complete,...

Aug 6, 2019

Alison Sher is a generational expert, an organizational consultant and the author of The Millennial's Guide to Changing the World. She is passionate about personal and political transformation and using spiritual principles to catalyze societal evolution.